- Background documentations
- e-Learning course
- Video podcasts
- Background documentation: Cross-border procedures and the EAW (Online, 24 April 2024)
- Background documentation: Milestones of EU criminal justice (Barcelona, 6-7 May 2024)
- Background documentation: Procedural Rights in the EU (Lisbon, 8-9 July 2024)
- Protection of legal privilege in criminal proceedings in the EU (Marbella, 3-4 October 2024)
- Current developments in digitalisation in criminal proceedings (Vilnius, 7-8 November 2024)
Representing foreign citizens in criminal proceedings
Online, 27 November 2024
The EAW, the transfer of prisoners and supervision measures as an alternative to provisional detention when representing foreign citizens by Katarzyna Dąbrowska
The right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings by Nicola Canestrini
Working with interpreters and translators when representing foreign citizens by Daniela Amodeo Perillo
Taking evidence in cross-border procedures
Online, 2 July 2024
Taking Evidence in Cross-Border Procedures: the EIO and how it functions as an instrument of mutual recognition and assistance by Noémie Coutrot-Cieslinski
Videoconferencing in cross-border criminal cases by Vladimir Hrle
Cross-Border Access to Electronic Evidence in Criminal Matters by Adrian Șandru
Cross-border procedures and the EAW
Online, 24 April 2024
The EAW and how it functions as an instrument of mutual recognition by Silvia Allegrezza